Friday, 8 November 2013

Precise Negative Effects of Unhealthy Diet

Health is all about what you choose to eat. Balanced diet keeps you smart, slim, healthy and fit but its effects don’t stop there. The food you consume matter to your bodily functions from waistline to smooth skin. It’s certain that particular kinds of food can particularly affect your physical and mental functions. To make your body works well you have to eat right and according to your individual needs. Unhealthy diets can lead you to multiple undesirable outcomes. Going on an extremely low calorie diet or eating care free can damage your health in the long run. Managing healthy patterns is essential to live a fit life. Below are some of the consequences of unhealthy eating:
  • Unhealthy eating habits simply lead to many health complications from lacking of essential nutrients to obesity. It effects in both the ways firstly if you are eating too much then obesity will be the end result and if you are eating too less than your daily requirements in order to be slim then you’re surely avoiding essential nutrients.
  • The unhealthy amount of fat is the result of high calories diet combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Obesity leads to the higher risks of cardiovascular ailments, diabetes and strokes.
  • If you are consuming too less than your daily requirements then you are prone to a number of health complications. Sudden weight loss, weakness, fatigue, nausea, headache, osteoporosis, hair loss or dull skin is some of the consequences of not eating healthy. If you are not consuming enough protein then you may lead to muscle loss. Extreme calorie reduction is always harmful for your health.
  • Higher amount of fats and extreme calorie reduction are challenging for physical as well as mental health. If you are not consuming healthy diet then you won’t be able to carry out daily tasks physically, plus, hunger pushes you to a feeling of sadness and irritation.
  • Chronic sleeping disorders can be a consequence of unhealthy diets. Physical stress, hunger, acidity, lack of activity can lead to mental disorders and lack of sleep. A sound sleep is imperative for all in order to be healthy. Maintaining sleep patterns is a must to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Avoid taking sleeping pills and control your sleep time through healthy diet at proper timings.

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