Monday, 4 November 2013

Role of Calcium: Importance, Symptoms and Sources

A balanced diet should contain adequate amount of certain minerals. Minerals are essential nutrients that play major role in the normal functioning of the body. In order to avoid the deficiency or overtaking of the certain nutrients it’s needed to know the importance, sources and requirement of the nutrients as per your age, gender and fitness level. Understanding the basic nutrients i.e. minerals and vitamins is vital to carefully plan your daily diet.

Minerals are also referred to as micro-nutrients. The normal metabolic processes need various minerals in different amount. Minerals are generally required in smaller amounts. Minerals are classified in two groups as per their daily requirement for an adult. They are called micro minerals required about 1 to 100mg per day and macro minerals required about 100 mg per day. Calcium is one of the macro minerals that our body needs in large quantity and their deficiency in body result in multiple ailments. However, their excess can also be harmful for the bodily functions.
  • Importance of Calcium:
Calcium is one of the most essential nutrients required by human body. It plays a major role in developing and strengthening the skeletal system. It’s significantly assists in maintain and forming the bones and teeth. Appropriate amount of calcium is needed to prevent a number of degenerative illnesses. It’s vital for blood clotting and the expansion and contraction of blood vessels is also depends on calcium. It is needed to get sufficient amount of calcium regularly for proper functioning of the body. One can’t maintain overall health and fitness without proper intake of calcium.
  • Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency:
Calcium stores in teeth and bones in the body and is utilized by the body as per its requirements. When blood calcium level drops low then the body borrows it from the bones, diet has to supply adequate amount of calcium to fill up that loss. If our diet fails in supplying the calcium then it results in weak and thin bones that may lead to osteoporosis. It can drive medical complications in youth during puberty.
  • Sources of Calcium:
Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt and tofu are a big source of calcium. Since milk is considering the biggest source of calcium and it’s recommended to take at least a glass full of milk each day. Leafy green vegetables, kale, French beans, chick peas, various beans, nuts and dried fruits are rich in calcium. A number of fruits and sea foods are also a significant source of calcium.

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